Thursday, July 22, 2021

A Morning's Connection

During my morning run, these two Cooper's hawks flapped and squealed a few feet above me for two blocks. When they couldn't keep up with my pace, they flew to rest on the wires.

Marmalade Mood

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Find the Hearts


Secretive Summer Birds


"Where did the birds go?" By mid-July, the bird scene at feeders declines. Birds appear quiet in song and begin to hide.  

                              What's up?

Birds sing to attract a mate or defend their territory.

By July most baby birds have flown. Bird song has quieted except for those who continue to produce eggs and defend nests.

Waterfowl lose all primary and secondary feathers at the same time. They become flightless for a month. 

Male ducks grow "eclipse plumage" which protects them while they cannot fly. They appear scruffy in brown with protective camouflage.

After wing feathers have grown, the drakes (males) regrow their bright feathers.

By autumn the rainbow of bird colors and songs appear in full force.