Saturday, April 27, 2024

Poem in Your Pocket Day

Poem in your pocket day to celebrate Poetry Month.

Night Play

While darkness accumulates,
she sheds expectations
like chameleon lace.
A waterwheel of wings
rattles her window;
the pane rises
in the Moonhawk’s beak.
She slips inside his coat
feathered by scent of cloves,
moves behind his eyes.
They fly beyond
an eyelash of moon
until dawn’s pulse
sends a bead of honey
to her lips.
She returns
hungry for words.
- Penny Wilkes

Saturday, April 20, 2024



Canada Geese


Nature's Cycle

Many squirrels scurried around this morning. During the end of my wander in nature, a squirrel nestled in the street, hit by a car. Feeling warmth and noticing eye blinks, I did my best to rub his heart and energize life. 

I sheltered him under a bush for return to nature's nurture and add to the cycle of life forces.