Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy April Fool's Fun

Did you know that April Fool's Day began in 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new (Gregorian) calendar? It changed New Year from April to January.

Those who refused to accept the new change were known as fools and people often played pranks on them.

Laughter and jokes maintain our physical and mental health.  A chuckle releases oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins. All the feel good chemicals help us stay healthy and energize our relationship to others.

Why are spiders so smart?  They're always searching the web.

Why is the elbow always happy?  It's connected to the funny bone.

Why did the duck go to the gym?  He needed more eggs-ercise.

Why can't you trust an atom?   They make up everything.

Discover smiles and laughter everywhere.

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