Monday, June 17, 2013

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Osprey pairs nest in the trees along the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon.

Uninvited, a crow arrives for dinner. When it torments the mother osprey, she spreads her wings to protect the nest.

The crow attacks until the osprey responds. Twisting and twirling in flight, the birds duel.

Finally, the osprey extends its talons and rips the crow. 

Down goes the crow into the bushes.

Photographer, Michael Wilkes calls the Raptor Center who refers him to another wildlife rescue service. 

Soon Gracie arrives to attend to the crow who has damaged body parts.

Gracie goes into the bushes to catch the crow.
In defeat, the crow rests in the box.
The crow savior below.  Laughing osprey above.

All photography by Michael B. Wilkes

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